- EiTB - Euskal Irrati Telebista - Basque Radio Television
- www.eitb.com
- The leading media group in the Basque Country with four television channels and four radio stations. ETB 1, ETB 2, ETB Sat, Euskadi Irratia, Radio Euskadi, Radio Vitoria, Euskadi Gaztea.
Similar categories:
This category in other languages:
- ..Afrikans(2)
- ..Albaniera(10)
- ..Alemana(779)
- ..Arabic(40)
- ..Armeniera(12)
- ..Azerbaijanera(2)
- ..Bulgariera(30)
- ..Errumaniera(50)
- ..Errusiera(145)
- ..Eslovakiera(48)
- ..Esloveniera(10)
- ..Espainiera(130)
- ..Esperanto(1)
- ..Estoniera(11)
- ..Finlandiera(25)
- ..Frantsesa(417)
- ..Grekera(24)
- ..Hebraiera(32)
- ..Hungariera(9)
- ..Indonesiera(14)
- ..Ingelesa(2944)
- ..Italiera(429)
- ..Japoniera(67)
- ..Katalanera(64)
- ..Koreera(33)
- ..Kroaziera(12)
- ..Kurduera(9)
- ..Lietuvių(36)
- ..Nederlandera(198)
- ..Norvegiera(14)
- ..Poloniera(119)
- ..Portuguesa(11)
- ..Serviera(15)
- ..Suediera(40)
- ..Thaiera(53)
- ..Turkiera(180)
- ..Txekiera(104)
- ..Txinera Erraztua(102)
- ..Txinera(17)
- ..Ukrainiera(27)
The rating value is calculated according to the algorithm, which considers all rating indicators.
As soon as number of users ratings reaches defined level, the rating is to be substituted by the users one.