- Danmarks Brydeforbund
- www.brydning.dk
- Introduktion, nyheder, resultater, klubber, galleri og links.
- Bjorns Wrestling
- www.bjorns-wrestling.dk
- About the Danish wrestler Asbjørn Riis. Wrestling-school, shows, film, biography and health.
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- ..Català(1)
- ..Engelsk(310)
- ..Finsk(2)
- ..Fransk(25)
- ..Hollandsk(5)
- ..Japansk(49)
- ..Kinesisk (traditionelt)(1)
- ..Lietuvių(1)
- ..Polsk(3)
- ..Russisk(8)
- ..Spansk(19)
- ..Svensk(6)
- ..Tjekkisk(1)
- ..Tyrkisk(8)
- ..Ukrainsk(4)
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