  • Anti-Relativity
  • Website presenting what the author claims to be experimental evidence against relativity, as well as more philosophical arguments and proposed explanations of the various experimental effects in terms of an ether theory. Includes a discussion board.
  • Spacelike Tessellations of Tetrahedrons
  • Introduces a simple quantization of space and time using tetrahedrons; significant ratios in the geometry of these objects are taken as an indication that they represent different kinds of elementary particles. By William R. Olson.
  • Einstein's Theory of Relativity in New Physical Model
  • Essay explaining the postulates of relativity, the secret essence of time, spaces, and matter, and proposing the elimination of internal contradictions of special relativity; by Alexander Poshelaev. Also shows how the energy contained in the parallel spaces proposed by the author could be used to solve the current energy crisis. Article explains postulates of relativity, secret essence of time, spaces, matter.
  • Extinction Shift Principle (c)
  • Presents the principal axioms of the "extinction shift principle", a purely classical photon-gravity theory of emissions/re-emissions of electromagnetism and gravitation intended as an alternative to both general and special relativity. By Edward Henry Dowdye, Jr.
  • Kinematic Relativity
  • A novel treatment of the idea of the transformations of motion (instead of space-time) and of the derivation of the mass-formation (genesis) formula that supports the ideas of continuous mass-formation, continuous creation of worlds, hierarchical worlds, and even of gods begetting gods.
  • Millennium Relativity
  • Introduces a new theory in relativistic physics to replace Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. Also includes the Millennium Theory of Inertia and Gravity, and a text on breaking the light speed barrier. By Joseph A. Rybczyk.
  • A Concept of Space and Time
  • Essay by Robert Brison about how what we perceive as time and space ("tise") evolved from a single quantized entity in nature ("tisons"). Briefly discusses implications for special relativity, general relativity, string theory, and the fundamental structure of matter.
  • Newton Physics
  • Collection of articles and online books, by Paul Marmet; topics include the death of Big Bang cosmology, how classical mechanics can explain the effects commonly attributed to relativity, how the Lorentz transformations mean that the speed of light is not the same for all inertial observers, and gravitational length contraction.
  • Curt Renshaw's Physics Page
  • A collection of published and presented papers on the subject of relativity theory prepared by Curt Renshaw, including the author's radiation continuum of light, the restoration of space and time, and a look at three-dimensional Galilean invariance.
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