- ad Falmouth Heritage Renewal
- falmouthjamaica.org
- A United States-based non-profit organization dedicated to saving the cultural and historical heritage of Falmouth, Jamaica. Mission, illustrated history of Falmouth, programs, partners and news.
- World Heritage
- whc.unesco.org
- Elegant site from UNESCO explaining the choice of certain buildings and sites as World Heritage. List with pictures and information available on each. French and English language options.
- International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
- www.iccrom.org
- Created by UNESCO to promote conservation of monuments and sites of historical, artistic and archaeological interest. Headquarters in Rome. Activities, events calendar, image archive, training directory. English and French versions
- World Monuments Fund
- www.wmf.org
- Private, nonprofit organization for preserving art and architecture, based in New York. Photographs and descriptions of 100 most endangered sites. Projects, Jewish Heritage, trips, publications.
- Cultural Heritage Without Borders
- chwb.org
- Aims to restore cultural property in those areas ravaged by conflicts, catastrophes or endangered in other ways. News, activities, appeal for support.
- International Council on Monuments and Sites
- www.international.icomos.org
- A non-governmental organization of professionals dedicated to the conservation of the world's historic monuments and sites. General Assembly, news, national committees, scientific committees. English and French versions.
- Association for Preservation Technology International
- www.apti.org
- Aims to advance the application of technology to the conservation of the built environment. Conference, bulletin, membership, local chapters, scholarships.
- Al-Quds / Jerusalem 2015
- www.alqudsjerusalem2015.com
- A collaborative, long-term program devoted to the architectural heritage of Al-Quds/Jerusalem, involving concerned international institutions and organisations.
- Committee of Struggle against Gold Mining in Chalkidiki
- antigoldgreece.tripod.com
- Opposition to the building of a gold plant in Olympias.
- The Tibet Heritage Fund
- www.tibetheritagefund.org
- Organized, funded and supervised the protection and restoration of the ancient secular buildings on the Lhasa Barkor, many originally scheduled for demolition.
- Petra National Trust
- www.petranationaltrust.org
- Society for the preservation of the antiquities, environment and cultural heritage of the World Heritage Site of Petra in Jordan. Mission, values, administration, membership, funding.
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